Section: New Results

Heterogeneous Languages Coordination with Concurrency and Time

Participants : Julien Deantoni, Matias Vara Larsen, Robert de Simone, Frédéric Mallet.

In the context of the ANR GEMOC project and in closely related to the mutiview approach of the team, we focused on how to deal with analysis and simulation of heterogeneous languages. Supporting coordinated use of heterogeneous domain specific languages leads to what we called the globalization of modeling language [22] . Concretely, we proposed to define a language behavioral interface to exhibit the concurrency and time aspects of the semantics of a language. The concurrency and time aspects are described by a formal extension of CCSL, named MoCCML (Model of Concurrency and Communication Modeling Language [45] , [28] ). Any models that conform such language exhibit a symbolic representation of all its acceptable schedules. Based on this, we shown that it is possible to coordinate heterogeneous models .To avoid redundant model coordination activities, we reified the know-how about model coordination in BCOoL (Behavioral Coordination Operator Language[34] ), a language dedicated to language coordination. This work is mainly realized by Matias Vara Larsen, as part of his PhD. In this context, we organize the community around such subject for the second year in an international workshop [43] with an increasing number of participants.